So what is a stoner to do when all you need is a single, reliable option? If you have to pass a drug test for weed, it is important to understand how drug tests and detoxing works in order to put yourself in the best position to pass. We broke it all ...
How to Buy Cannabis Seeds
Is it legal to buy marijuana seeds? Marijuana seeds are considered a cannabis product just like flower, edibles, and concentrates. Their legality depends on which state you live in. People living in states with adult-use legalization can buy, produce, ...
Growing Marijuana from Seed
If you’re contemplating growing marijuana, you might be wondering where to start. You can grow plants from seeds or create a clone of a plant from a cutting. To decide, consider the pros and cons of seeds versus cuttings: Growing from a cutting of an ...
Does human hair affect the growth of plants?
There are many things that describe or characterize mammals, and one of them is hair. Hair grows all over the human body, except for a few areas, like the soles of the feet, the backs of the ears, the lips and other areas, and continues to do so until de ...
How to grow weed from clones indoors?
What is a cannabis “clone?” What are the advantages of taking marijuana clones? Well, first of all, cloning is one of the easiest and fastest ways for cannabis growers to make many new (and basically free) weed plants at once! What Supplies Do I Need ...
Can hemp shampoo fail a drug test?
As a healthcare professional, a common question that I receive when talking to patients and clients who are interested in incorporating the use of hemp products or hemp foods into their daily routine is: "Will eating hemp foods show up positive for TH ...
How long does hemp seed stay in your system?
Cannabidiol (CBD), a non-intoxicating compound found in the cannabis plant, may potentially relieve mild pain and anxiety. While many people are using CBD for these potential benefits, the fear of failing a drug test looms large for others. Because even ...
Why do weed plants turn yellow?
You've taken great care of your cannabis plants; you water them, feed them nutrient-rich foods, provide the ideal light cycle for their different developmental phases, and prune them just enough to promote light exposure and optimum growth. You've done e ...
Black Marijuana Leaf
Nearly all cannabis plants that are grown in warm climates are bright green. Yet when these same breeds of cannabis plants are grown in cold climates, some of them start to show darker colors. Not all of them, mind you, just a few of them. When two of th ...
Red Marijuana Leaf
You’re checking on your plants, things have been going pretty well. Then one day you notice a plant has bright red stems. Maybe there are other symptoms, too, like burnt leaf edges/tips, clawing/curling leaves, or yellowing. A common cannabis plant sy ...