In these modern times of cannabis consumption bad information still runs rampant, and few things in the world of weed have as large a mythic standing as purple bud. This seemingly simple topic can actually be a bit convoluted, starting with, what is purp ...
Is Marijuana Considered a Controlled Substance
The Controlled Substances Act (CSA) is a law that regulates how drugs may be used, produced and sold in the United States. It applies to both legal and illegal substances. Both the Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) and the Food and Drug Administration (FD ...
What is in a 9 Panel Drug Test
Having to take a drug test is usually the result of something good, like a promotion or an exciting new job, or it can be due to wrongdoing, like probation or post-accident. Whatever the cause may be, we’re here to explain the most likely scenario and wh ...
10 Panel Instant Drug Screen
What is a 10-panel drug test? The 10-panel drug test screens for the five of the most frequently misused prescription drugs in the United States. It also tests for five illicit drugs. Illicit drugs, also known as illegal or street drugs, usually ar ...
Drug Screening Meaning
Despite being used interchangeably, drug testing and drug screening are two very different terms. A drug test is often more reliable and provides an accurate analysis of an individual’s substance use. Major corporations typically prefer testing over scre ...
Medical Marijuana Card Canada
What is Medical Cannabis? Medical cannabis is marijuana that is consumed for medical purposes by a registered medical cannabis patient, who is prescribed medical cannabis by an authorized healthcare practitioner. Medical cannabis can be the dried p ...
Why does My Pot Plant have 3 Leaves
We all know the standard image of the cannabis leaf, right? By this point, you’ve probably seen it about a million times imprinted on lighters, shirts, websites, and just about everything else! Typical Cannabis Leaf Shape Now before you examine ...
What Causes Cannabis Leaves to Curl
One involving the major problems the fact that most people experience of cannabis plants is clawing or perhaps curling of the finds. Although the curling along involving cannabis leaves is definitely a good common phenomenon, the idea is usually challeng ...
Cannabis Plant Problems Yellow Leaves
Are some or all of your cannabis leaves turning yellow? Maybe your leaves also have other symptoms like spots, curling, wilting, brown patches, etc. Marijuana plants may get yellowing leaves for several different reasons, so it can be hard to figure out ...
What’s Better for Anxiety Sativa or Indica
As one of the most common mental health illnesses in the United States, anxiety affects millions of people. The most recent statistics suggest that 18.1% of people suffer from anxiety, although that doesn’t account for those who go without a diagnos ...