We all know the standard image of the cannabis leaf, right? By this point, you’ve probably seen it about a million times imprinted on lighters, shirts, websites, and just about everything else! Typical Cannabis Leaf Shape Now before you examine ...
What Causes Cannabis Leaves to Curl
One involving the major problems the fact that most people experience of cannabis plants is clawing or perhaps curling of the finds. Although the curling along involving cannabis leaves is definitely a good common phenomenon, the idea is usually challeng ...
Cannabis Plant Problems Yellow Leaves
Are some or all of your cannabis leaves turning yellow? Maybe your leaves also have other symptoms like spots, curling, wilting, brown patches, etc. Marijuana plants may get yellowing leaves for several different reasons, so it can be hard to figure out ...
What’s Better for Anxiety Sativa or Indica
As one of the most common mental health illnesses in the United States, anxiety affects millions of people. The most recent statistics suggest that 18.1% of people suffer from anxiety, although that doesn’t account for those who go without a diagnos ...
How does Marijuana Help Anxiety
Did you know that one in ten adults in the United States is affected by depression every year? That makes for a total of 18 million sufferers in our country alone, and these are just the ones that have been documented. This says nothing about t ...
Marijuana for Depression
Some research suggests that marijuana smokers are diagnosed with depression more often than nonsmokers are — particularly regular or heavy marijuana users. However, it doesn't appear that marijuana directly causes depression. It's likely that the ...
Why does my weeds plant have brown spots?
What is cannabis leaf septoria? Cannabis leaf septoria (also known as ‘yellow leaf spot’) is a fungal infection that autoflowering cannabis plants are particularly vulnerable to, especially if they are being grown outdoors. This plant disease is&nb ...
Effects cannabis has on the body
What Strain Makes You Laugh the Most? From the humble chuckle to the riotous guffaw most of us enjoy a good laugh, and for getting a fit of the giggles few intoxicants work quite as well as cannabis. If you’re looking for a good strain that will make ...
Cannabis coconut oil
Coconut oil has managed to infuse its way into some of the cannabis industry’s most sought-after products, including edibles and topicals, but why? Why is coconut oil popular for cannabis infusion? Coconut oil has a high concentration of fatty acid ...
Allergic to juul
Identifying the symptoms and learning how to overcome them without damaging your health in the long run Lots of people enjoy vaping, some were smokers before they started the habit but others may not have been. Either way there is a learning curve ass ...