Having to take a drug test is usually the result of something good, like a promotion or an exciting new job, or it can be due to wrongdoing, like probation or post-accident. Whatever the cause may be, we’re here to explain the most likely scenario and what our recommendations are for each situation.
Obviously, if you have any head’s up for your potential drug screening, such as beginning a job hunt or pursuing a promotion at work or participating in a group with a strict drug policy, the best thing to do is stay clean. However, that comes with additional risks (like being lame), and we totally understand when the time comes to fake it ‘til you make it.
Most drugs stay in your system for between two and five days, though some may be detected for up to seven days for a single dose. Chronic drug users may have traces of drugs like THC and PCP in their urine for four to six weeks. For individuals Health Testing Centers convenient drug tests allow you to be confident that there are no drugs in your system or your teenagers. If you have any lingering concerns, self-testing provides you with the knowledge to appropriately prepare yourself. It also allows you to ensure that you are not surprised by any results, false positive or otherwise.
To choose the drug panel test that best fits your company’s needs, you might need to consider your industry, any applicable laws within your industry, and your corporate culture. Or, you could consult with your chosen drug-testing company to discuss your options.
Construction and heavy machinery related industries frequently test 9 or more panels. The need for alertness in these industries is high and a normal side effect of abused prescription drugs is fatigue – a side effect that’s extremely dangerous in high-activity industries.

A 9-panel urine test usually adds on Benzodiazepines, Barbiturates, Quaaludes, & Propoxyphene. Propoxyphene, also known as Darvon, is a narcotic pain reliever. Highly addictive, Propoxyphene interacts dangerously with other drugs and alcohol. Also, it can cause side effects of slowed heartbeat, confusion, fainting, and even seizures. Testing employees for Propoxyphene makes sense for two reasons. First, if an employee suffers from so much pain that they need a narcotic pain killer, that employee may lack the ability to function safely at work. Second, we cannot understate the dangerous side effects and addictive nature of the drug.
The 9 panel drug test screens for:
The 9 panel drug test is typically used by employers to determine if a potential new hire is a safe and reliable addition to the company. Additionally, this screening is commonly used to test athletes for banned substances that may be artificially enhancing their sports performance and put them at an unfair advantage.
The Substances Screened For in the 9 Panel Drug Test
Methadone is a synthetic opioid often used to treat pain and narcotic drug addiction, since it can help with tapering people off drugs. Because it’s similar to morphine but longer acting, medical professionals will sometimes use it as a substitute drug for treating morphine and heroin addiction. However, as an opioid, it can be addictive in nature.
Side effects of methadone addiction include:
Nausea and vomiting
Impaired balance
Impaired cognition or confusion
Impaired coordination
To make matters worse, there is a high risk of overdose on methadone — higher than most other opioids. Some of the symptoms of overdose include:
Shallow breathing
Extreme fatigue
Blue lips and fingertips
If an individual is mixing methadone with any other drugs, serious heart complications can arise.
When you choose the 9 panel drug test, you guarantee your workplace is covered when it comes to testing for some of the most common and highly addictive drugs available.
Why You Need Drug Testing in the Workplace
Drug abuse that leaks into the workplace can become an enormous expense to the employer. Overall, drug use costs businesses tens of billions of dollars each year. This happens due to:
Lost productivity
Higher employee turnover rates
Accidents on the job
Workers compensation claims
This doesn’t even begin to scratch the surface of how drug use in the workplace can affect other members of your staff.
True, there are still discussions of whether or not drug testing in the workplace is ethical, as some view it as an invasion of privacy. This is where having a detailed drug-free workplace policy comes into play.

Why Work With US Drug Test Centers?
When you partner with US Drug Test Centers, we offer you guidance through the entire drug testing process, as well as implementing a top-to-bottom drug-free workplace program. We can:
Conduct all of your drug and alcohol testing
Get all results reviewed and verified by a medical review officer (MRO)
Help you select employees to test at random
Create a reliable drug-free workplace policy, or help you improve the one you already have
Also, when you work with us, you get access to our state-of-the-art web-based platform, where you can manage all matters substance related. Best yet, we offer this at no additional cost.
Contact us today to order your 9 panel drug test, or another panel of your choosing. Don’t see the substance or panel you need on our website? No problem! Call us and ask about how we can customize an entirely new panel just for you.
This is a screening test only. False positive and false negative results can occur. Positive results are not automatically reflexed to a confirmatory test. Confirmation by GC/MS and/or LC-MS/MS must be requested separately. Confirmatory testing for drugs and/or drug classes detected by this screening test is recommended.
The absence of expected drug(s) and/or drug metabolite(s) may indicate noncompliance, inappropriate timing of specimen collection relative to drug administration, poor drug absorption, diluted/adulterated urine, or limitations of testing. The concentration at which the screening test can detect a drug or metabolite varies within a drug class. The concentration value must be greater than or equal to the cutoff to be reported as positive. Interpretive questions should be directed to the laboratory.
For medical purposes only; not valid for forensic use.
Weed just happens to stay in your system for about a month but crack an shit leaves your system in a few days . I don’t understand this shit.