One of my favorite things about cannabis is its ability to shed a humorous light on everyday life. Like this Leafly user so eloquently puts it in a Blue Diesel review, “I laughed so hard that I threw up. And that made me laugh more. It was terrible. ...
Leaves turning yellow
Just like people, plants are known to feel under the weather now and then. One of the more common signs of ailment is yellowing leaves. When you see leaves turning yellow, it’s time to put your Sherlock hat on and do some sleuthing to find the possible c ...
Cannabis leaves turning yellow?
Problem: A cannabis nitrogen deficiency will cause the older, lower leaves on your plant to turn yellow, wilt away and eventually die. The plant typically appears pale or lime-colored. The yellow leaves of a nitrogen deficiency may show signs of ...
3 leaf weed plant
Every cannabis strain is a little different, and some plants grow with more “points” on leaves that others. Most cannabis plants grow a few 3-point leaves as seedlings, but by the time a cannabis plant is mature, the leaves usually have more points. T ...
Leaves turning yellow during flowering
Yellow Cannabis LeavesIt’s better to read this marijuana blog and not need it than to not read it and come undone in the grow room. Sometimes things go wrong in the cannabis garden. Even the best marijuana growers can run into trouble occasionally and ye ...
Closed loop extractor
Closed-loop extraction is a method used for extraction of cannabinoids like tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), cannabidiol (CBD), and terpenes from cannabis plant material. This extraction method occurs entirely within a closed vessel, so the hydrocarbon solven ...
Cannabis molecular structure
Cannabis is a natural product, the main psychoactive constituent of which is tetrahydrocannabinol (Δ9-THC). The cannabis plant (Cannabis sativa L.) is broadly distributed and grows in temperate and tropical areas. Together with tobacco, alcohol and caffe ...
How to Do Drug Test
There is tons of information out there about how to pass a drug test. But it’s all over the place, and you have to surf around trying to get all the information you need from different places. Then you have to patch it together and work out what’s true, ...
Cannabis growing problems
Cannabis plants are resilient. The plant grows successfully all over the globe in many different climates—it’s called “weed” for a reason. But many problems can arise when growing cannabis, both indoors and outdoors. Bad weather, bugs, nutrient defic ...
Baby marijuana plant
These pictures show marijuana, also known as cannabis or weed, in varying stages of growth, processing, and use. You may be concerned about plants you find growing in and around your home. Or, you may wonder whether what you discovered in your child's ro ...