In the marijuana industry and culture, edibles are dosed in milligrams. For those of us who would smoke a joint here and there, upon entry into the legalized reality, you suddenly have many options for ways to consume cannabis, such as edibles. Sure, ...
5 Panel Drug Test
The 5 panel drug test screens for: Marijuana (THC)CocainePhencyclidine (PCP)Amphetamines (including methamphetamine, MDMA, MDA, MDEA)Opiates (including codeine, morphine, heroin (6-AM)) When you order the 5 panel drug test through US Drug Test Cent ...
Where to Buy the Best Cannabis Seeds
We have maintained this list since 2010 with reviews of the marijuana seed sources that we use at These seed banks take online orders and ship cannabis seeds worldwide (including the USA). We only recommend companies with outstanding st ...
Can you get high from smelling weed in a bag?
Marijuana smoke is created whenever someone burns the leaves, flowers, stems, or seeds of the cannabis plant. Marijuana is used by an average of 26 million Americans per month. It’s been studied for some medical uses. But despite marijuana’s prevalenc ...
Edible coconut oil
A great example of a controversial food is coconut oil. It is generally praised by the media, but some scientists doubt it lives up to the hype. It has mainly gotten a bad rap because it is very high in saturated fat. But new studies suggest saturated ...
How to hide weed in a backpack?
Being a pothead has a lot of perks. There's a lot of camaraderie in the cannabis community. Studies have shown that there are a lot of health benefits to smoking cannabis, which is why medical marijuana is a thing these days. However, there are a bunc ...
Does weed affect everyone?
The cannabis universe in contact with the human body can be a mystery. It can vary from the famous "Bad Trip” to a magical and intense trip, or even that cannabis that does not hit in any way: everyone has lived this situation, or at least knows someone ...
The purple weed strains list
I’ve received a few questions asking what the purple weed is that is appearing in the landscape. It is probably either purple deadnettle (Lamium purpureum) or henbit (Lamium amplexicaule).These weeds often get confused because they look similar. They bot ...
What does not a controlled substance mean?
What Is a Controlled Substance? Generally, a controlled substance is an illegal drug that can have a detrimental effect on a person's health and welfare. As a result, federal and state governments have seen fit to regulate these substanc ...
Five panel urine test
All drug testcome in the form of panels where each panel is a drug being tested. For example, a 5 panel drug testchecks for 5 drugs, a 6 panel drug test checks for 6 drugs, a 10 panel drug screen checks for 10 drugs, and so on. A standard 5 panel ...