For some, the smell of marijuana is gloriously comforting and tinged with the possibility of an exciting adventure, but for others, the smell may be unpleasant or a tell-tale sign of a stoner in the midst – which may or may not be a good thing depending on the company.
Whether it’s a dinner date with the in-laws, a trip to the grocery store, or a shift at work, the need to hide the smell of weed is an issue every consumer has faced before.
Marijuana in the Air
Catching a whiff of marijuana in the air at a concert can be a great thing (it means there’s a potential new friend nearby), but catching a nose-full while staying at your conservative parents’ home may not have a great outcome. When traditional fixes like candles and air fresheners don’t cut it, consider the following:
Use a doob tube:

A doob tube (aka a “sploof”) is a home-made device designed to make the smell of weed turn into the smell of fresh laundry. Just stuff a toilet paper or paper towel roll with dryer sheets or fabric lightly soaked in Febreze, then simply exhale the weed smoke through it.
Invest in an air purifier:
Air purifiers are an easy way to eliminate smoke as soon as it is produced. This is especially important for those who smoke indoors as the smell of stale smoke can accumulate quickly on carpet, walls and upholstery.
Try vaping:
Vaporizer pens offer the ultimate cannabis experience because they deliver cannabinoids directly to the brain within seconds without the carcinogens or lingering scent. You can find affordable vape pens online and in dispensaries for as low as $30-$50, as well as multi-use vape pens for around $200.
Choose a good location:
When possible, opt for a well-ventilated area. This will give the smoke somewhere to escape to instead of lingering in the area and on clothing.
Marijuana on Your Skin, Hair or Clothing
Though a shower and change of clothing is the best option for ridding the body of any stinky smell, it’s not always possible to achieve. In a pinch, you can remove the smell of weed from clothes, hair and skin with lotion, body spray or essential oils. You can also chew gum or brush your teeth directly afterward which will both take the smell of weed off of your breath and help reduce the occurrence of gum disease, an issue especially prominent in pot-smokers. Here are a few other ideas to keep in mind:
Be mindful of your hair:
Keep long hair pulled back when smoking to reduce the surface area on which smoke can attach, then let it down after you’re done to allow more air to reach individual strands.
Get outside:
UV rays neutralize odors so get out in the sun for 30-45 minutes after your next smoke sesh to burn off excess weed residue on the body and clothes.
Cooking with Cannabis
When cooking with cannabis, the kitchen – and every other room of the home – may become filled with the scent of sweet sensimilla. Though you can cut the potent scent down in a similar manner as listed above (candles, air purifiers and what-not), you can take it a step farther by ensuring your cannabis is covered during the cooking process.
If you can turn your whole day into a cook-off, all the better. Pungent foods like onions and garlic can quickly over-power the strong scent of cannabis allowing for a covert cannabis simmer – and some tasty munchie food, too!
Smell-Proof Storage
When the green is dank, it doesn’t have to be burned to be pungent. If you need to hide the smell of your dank stash, store it in smell-proof prescription bottles, baggies or odor-absorbing stash containers. STASHLOGIX offers a great option for this complete with your choice of sizes, customizable inserts and a combination lock to keep your stash protected.
How to Hide the Smell of Weed in Your Room
Smoking cannabis in the comfort of your own room trumps almost any other location imaginable. Lying on your bed with a large joint, your favourite music, and some delicious snacks has most smokers teetering on the edge of nirvana.
However, the lingering fear of stinking out your apartment block or getting busted by a neighbour or landlord often prevents cannabis lovers from experiencing complete bliss. Check out how to prevent the smell of weed from taking hold, and how to remove it when it does, below.

Prevent a Weed-Filled Room
As the age-old saying goes, prevention is better than a cure. By stopping the smell of weed from taking hold in the first place, you’ll boost your chances of staying under the radar. The cheap and simple trick of ventilation often suffices!
- Ventilate!
Before hitting a bowl or blunt, crack open a window and turn on a fan. Of course, this technique directs the smell of weed outside of your window. But many smokers prefer this outcome compared to weed fumes filling up their hallway.
Proper storage also plays a key role—weed smells even before you smoke it. Keep your stash in an airtight container to stop terpenes from leaking out into your room.
How to Mask the Smell of Weed in Your Room
If you’re smoking exceptionally smelly weed—or it’s simply too cold to open a window—the next port of call involves doing your best to cover up the scent. There are various methods smokers use to cover their tracks, with additional terpenes often serving as the best solution.
- Essential Oils
Terpenes are strong enough to underpin the smell of weed, so logic suggests they are strong enough to cover it up! Essential oil diffusers utilise terpenes found in particularly aromatic plants —enter rosemary, eucalyptus, and lavender—to make rooms smell as fresh as a daisy. Use these devices to override the signature smell of weed with the aromas of more innocent flowers and plants.
How to Hide the Smell of Weed in Your Home
Most cannabis users start their love affair with cannabis in their college dorms or a room in their childhood home. Eventually—following graduation, promotion, or other avenues—they move out into their very own abode. This big move comes hand in hand with considerably more freedom, such as blazing a bong at breakfast and hitting bowls in the bath (peak pleasure for most stoners).
If you’d rather keep the smell of terpenes out of your house, check out the prevention methods below. If you’re in need of an emergency cover-up, see how to mask the ever-increasing odour.
you can make a sploof, which is basically a toilet paper roll filled with dryer sheets. if you dont have dryer sheets but you have something like febreeze or perfume, you can ball up some toilet paper and douse it in what u got its now flammable obviously so be careful but same thing. blow the smoke thru that. i like to light incense. they smell great to begin with and i think they help with the smell.
Basic stuff that everybody already knows. What about a wet towel under your door? Surprised that wasn’t mentioned.