Medical Marijuana Services (MMS) was established in 2013 to help Canadians access cannabis in a safe and effective manner. Since then we have consulted over 50,000 times across Canada. MMS are cannabis pioneers that shaped the industry. We are a free ser ...
So many cannabinoids, so little time, right? What exactly is a cannabinoid? And as an aside, how do we pronounce it? Cannabinoids (ka·nuh·buh·noyds) are the naturally occurring chemical compounds found within the cannabis plant. THC is the popular cannab ...
How to make thc syrup?
Cannabis has been coming back into its rightful and honorable place as sacred plant medicine, after having been outlawed for most of the 20th century in most of the world. It has begun its slide towards decriminalization and/or full legalization (9 state ...
What is Water-Soluble THC?
The cannabis brownie has reigned supreme for decades. Its reputation as the ubiquitous representative of cannabis consumables went relatively unchallenged. Butter and fats seemed like the only way to contain the oil-soluble cannabinoids in cannabis. Pure ...