Depression is a complex disorder, and cannabis is a complex plant. Research has yet to demystify the relationship between the two, and that’s an important consideration for those suffering from depression. Despite these complexities, there are ind ...
Sativa or Indica for Anxiety
For people suffering from anxiety,cannabis can offer relief by soothing the uneasy mind and relieving tension. Indica-dominant hybrid strains containing the cannabinoids THC or CBD (or both) have been found most beneficial, as sativa-dominant strains hav ...
Best indica strain for sleep
Insomnia is the worst, but luckily cannabis can be an effective sleep aid for many. It can slow racing thoughts, dissolve pain, relax muscles, and deliver its own sleepy chemicals to help you fall and stay asleep. Although Indica is probably ...
What Strain Suits Your Horoscope?
Ever wonder what strains might harmonize best with your zodiac sign? Here’s your comprehensive guide! Capricorn: December 22 - January 20 Usually being one to enjoy your cannabis alone, you tend to use it for mainly two purposes. Those reasons ...
Schumer Hosts First Marijuana Meeting To Formulate 2021 Legalization Plan
Marijuana legalization at the federal level advanced forward last Friday when key Democratic leaders gathered for a meeting to discuss plans to legalize cannabis in 2021. Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY), Senator Cory Booker (D-NJ) and Sena ...