The smoking pipe has been around for ages. It is a very popular item and comes in many different styles from “The Gambler” to “The Churchwarden”. I made a pipe just for the fun of another DIY out in the workshop. But, I do not smoke. There are plenty of ways to make a pipe. You could turn one on the lathe in two separate pieces and then fit them together, or you might want to carve it out of Briar wood and then just drill your way through from the stem to the other end. But, in this easy step-by-step instructable, we will cut two identical pipe shapes out of wood and use a Dremel to carve out the inside and then glue the two halves together.

How to make a pipe – Tips to follow
1. Keep clear off plastic bowls
I know that the desperate moment doesn’t really give you enough time to put your brain into action, but make sure you stay away from plastic bowls. The obvious reason is that plastic is not heat resistant and will melt when lit. And they’re pretty toxic too! You can use a plastic container to hold the smoke, but the bowl is always metal or non-plastic.
2. Food Items – Select them carefully
If you know a thing or two about good homemade pipes, they are usually made from fruits and vegetables. I will be explaining how, but before you start, make sure the food item is not rotten, or wrinkled and clumsy. We want to have a sturdy and ripe body. Mushy food items will collapse and make this entire event unsuccessful.
3. Screening
Screening is important! It helps to keep the unwanted ash and gunk from entering your smoke and ruining your evening. Make sure you always use a screen with whatever you are smoking, whenever possible. Whether you use Metal screens, Glass or quartz screens or Brass screen; the choice is yours.
Soda Can Pipe
In order to make this bowl, you will need:
- Soda can
- Poker (pin, keys, knife, etc…)
Step 1:
Poke a hole in the side of a can towards the bottom.
NOTE: Be sure that this hole is not jagged around the edges if possible to make sure that you do not cut yourself.
Step 2:
Indent the can around the hole making a bowl pack for your herb.
Step 3:
Make a similar hole on the side of the can that will act as a mouthpiece.
NOTE: Also make sure that this hole is not jagged around the edges so you do not cut yourself on your homemade can hand pipe.
Step 4:
Fill the indented area with nug.
Step 5:
Light the herb and inhale through the normal mouthpiece.
This is by far the simplest piece to make on the list. Everyone has cans laying around their house. If you are in a pinch this is a great way to smoke.
How to Make a Starburst Hand Pipe
Okay, so this is going to be messy and sticky. Honestly, whoever came up with this was already extremely stoned, or just down on their luck. Either way, you should be prepared for an absolute mess while making this homemade hand pipe. However, it is worth it when you hit something that tastes like a fruit salad.

Step 1:
Take a pack of Starburst and unwrap each individual starburst.
Step 2:
Stack all the Starburst together in the packet besides two.
Step 3:
Stab a skewer through the connected Starburst in order to keep them together. This also creates an air pathway. Stab it all the way through to the other side to create a rush hole at the end.
Step 4:
Stack the two leftover Starburst on top of the lined up Starburst. These will act as your bowl pack.
Step 5:
Poke a hole from the top two Starburst down to the hole originally made from the skewer.
Step 6:
Shape the bowl so it can hold the amount of herb you want to use in the top two Starburst.
Step 7:
Light it up!
The Starburst can also be mashed together and shaped as if it were clay. If you are having a tough time creating this form of the Starburst pipe than soften up the Starburst by heating them up in the microwave for a few seconds and shape them into a regular bowl.
This may be a bit messy and sticky, but in the end, it is a pretty creative and cool way to smoke.
Pen Pipe or a One-hitter
You might not have any fruit in the house, but you can always buy a cheap pen. And that’s what makes this DIY so awesome. It is the easiest way to get on with your smoking plans without having to cut or crave anything. This is one of the easiest homemade pipe.
Take a pen, making sure it has a metal cap at the nip and is easily disassembled. Remove the back part and the front nip, and take out the ink refill.
Once you have an empty tube, place the nib on the tip the opposite way that it would normally fit on the pen. It will make a perfect V.
Now fill it with cannabis, and light it up. Inhale from the backside of the pen, which is now your mouthpiece.
Metal Pipe
Looking for homemade pipe ideas?
I won’t say this is a very convenient or impressive method, but desperate times call for desperate measures. It’s quite simple to make a metal pipe.
Take a trip to the hardware store, a one which has a plumbing section. Pick up parts that can be put together and make a basic metal pipe. Make sure the airflow and bowl are maintained.
You can just play around with this method and bring a new innovative way to smoke. Either way, trust your gut.
Candy Pipe
I hear the word “candy” and my mouth starts watering. This method was taught to me by a friend who said – If anybody asks you how to make a homemade smoking pipe, tell them this one. As seasoned cannabis users, we get this question a lot – how to make homemade pipes and bongs – as if the whole stoner community is thriving on DIYs.
If you’re looking for creative homemade pipes, this is a great option.
To start with, you’re going to need some soft candy that you can squish together. Starbursts are the general choice among DIY pipe connoisseurs, but if you can get your hands on some other soft candy, good for you!
But remember, you are going to taste some of the sweet, amazing smell and have a little bit of taste in your smoke. Like flavoured cannabis!
Unwrap lots of starbursts and push them together to make a rectangle. Once you have it as long as you would like your pipe to be, take some more candy, and stack it on one end of the rectangle. This will act as a bowl.
Now take a pen and poke it from the bowl part of the candy to the rectangle part, but stop halfway through it. Now carve a proper conical shaped bowl.
To make the mouthpiece, take a pencil and make a hole from the opposite end of the squished-together Starbursts. This hole is to meet the hole you’ve made for the bowl.
Pack your bowl with your favourite herbs and you’re ready! Toke it away!
My buddy and I would unscrew the spring door stop from his wall and smoke out of that. Put some tinfoil in it, pokes some holes and it’s good to go.
I’ve never made one, but until I recently got a vaporizer I was smoking out of Chick-O-Sticks that I hollowed out into chillums. You just need a drill with the right sized bits, they make great little disposable (consumable) pipes. I never noticed any change in flavor or anything from it.