Rosin is a relatively recent trend that’s making waves in the marijuana world. It is the cost-effective DIY answer to a pure cannabis concentrate. In this article, we will explore the complete guide to rosin. This includes what it is, what it does, and how you can make it at home.
What Is Rosin?
Rosin is a cannabis concentrate created via a specific extraction technique that involves no solvents. The process involves the use of heat and pressure to squeeze resinous sap from cannabis flower. This often results in a very clean-tasting product. Rosin also has a high level of cannabinoids and terpenes, making it a highly sought-after product.
One of the great things about rosin is that you can create it from cannabis flower, kief, or hash. Apart from its versatility and quality, rosin is incredibly easy to make if you have the right equipment. Indeed, the entire process takes no more than 15 minutes.
A major issue with other DIY cannabis concentrates is the level of danger involved. There are many reports of serious accidents and even tragedies occurring when using butane or ethanol to extract THC. While CO2 extraction is safer, it requires extremely specialized and expensive tools.
Another problem with solvents is the fact that they remain in your product. It is quite clear that ingesting the likes of butane is bad for your health!
Rosin ensures you avoid all of the above issues. It is a full-spectrum product that offers dozens of cannabinoids, flavonoids, and terpenes. The other alluring aspect of rosin is its impressive potency. High-quality rosin can contain 70-80% THC.
Also, a lab test will show that premium-grade rosin contains absolutely no residual hydrocarbon.
How Do You Make Rosin?
Rosin uses an extremely quick, easy, and safe extraction process. The best bit is that you probably have everything you require at home! There are two distinct methods of making it. The first involves minimal equipment. It won’t create commercial-grade rosin, but it will provide you with a reasonably potent concentrate.
The second method involves purchasing a special heated press which can cost several hundred dollars. Let’s focus on the cheap and cheerful way to make rosin.
Here’s what you need:
- A pair of hair straighteners
- Parchment paper
- A collection tool
- Heat resistant gloves
You can complete the whole process in 15 minutes. Get it right, and you’re rewarded with a high-quality concentrate. It can even challenge the flavor, potency, and yield of old-school solvent-based extraction products.
Put your marijuana flower onto the parchment-lined straightener. Not only will the parchment protect the straighteners but collect the waxy substance as it melts. It’s important to ensure the temperature is no higher than 300 degrees Fahrenheit. Squeeze and apply pressure on your cannabis with the straighteners. You should see a wax-like substance appear, which will become more brittle once cooled.

By applying the pressure and heat from the straighteners, you isolate the concentrated cannabinoids from the flowers. The biggest element is the pressure you can put on the material; the greater the pressure, the better the results. Putting immense pressure on the plant matter will force the liquid concentrate to come out from the material, leading to a better product.
While the heat is necessary, it is important to ensure you’re not overheating the material. An excessively high temperature can damage some of the cannabinoids and terpenes in the bud.
You can apply this method of extraction to cannabis flowers, dried buds, and more.
What Are the Benefits of Rosin?
There are very few disadvantages to this industry-changing concentrate. Rosin is:
- Cheaper than many comparable concentrates.
- Extremely easy to create at home.
- A relatively safe form of extraction.
- Versatile
- Potent
Rosin is a fantastic way for less experienced users to experiment with a fairly safe extraction method. It is also a product that medical marijuana patients love. As it contains so many cannabinoids, it enables users to benefit from the entourage effect. Rosin has no solvents or other harmful by-products, and you can vaporize it. As a result, you don’t have to inhale anymarijuana smoke.
The extremely high terpene level means you get to enjoy all the aromas and flavors of marijuana.
We recommend using a dab rig or a vaporizer when using rosin. Either way, you’ll need to expose it to temperatures of up to 480 degrees. This is how you’ll ensure every active chemical evaporates fully. Rosin requires a lower temperature than other concentrates for this process to occur. This is because it doesn’t go through the lipid and fat removal process.
Downsides of Rosin
Relatively speaking, there are few downsides. If you have the equipment, it is inexpensive to make at home. However, its popularity has driven the cost of commercial grade rosin up. Also, not every dispensary stocks it at present, despite the rise in demand.
After dabbing rosin, you might find that it leaves a residue. You’ll need to clean your vaping device or dab rig after use. Otherwise, the residue becomes sticky and difficult to remove.

Regarding health risks, it is important to remember that rosin is extremely high in THC. At up to 80%, it isn’t the best option for novices or individuals with a low THC tolerance. Overuse could cause dizziness, headaches, paranoia, and anxiety.
Finally, be careful if you decide to make it at home. Once the straighteners reach the right temperature, you could get severely burned if you accidentally touch the heated part.
Final Thoughts About Rosin
Overall, rosin is an exciting cannabis concentrate product. It has a long list of benefits that significantly outweigh the downsides.
It is a great-tasting way to enjoy extremely high levels of THC. Rosin is a full-spectrum product that is becoming highly popular amongst medical marijuana patients. With no solvents or other harmful by-products, it is arguably a healthier option than concentrates that use chemicals like butane.
If you can’t find it commercially, you can always try to make it at home. DIY rosin is easy to make and highly satisfying.
Here in Canada I have never smoked any other form of cannabis since I got to know about rosins. They are very healthy, and very smooth to smoke, without any side effects at all. Just love the substance.